Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

18 October 2003

Today is a good day to relaunch a message board

It's a lovely evening over in Northern Ireland. We really are having a very mild autumn.

Oh, and BitchFest is back up and running again.

You know it's really funny that if the site had been closed down for hosting child porn that it would be back up again.

So it's not a nice evening for Liz Bateman really, is it?

In an entirely unrelated story (ahem), word on the grapevine has it that a certain lady has been banned from using a commercial proxy service due to the amount of abusive messages she's been posting in this lady's guestbook.

The usual complaints to ISPs will follow of course. People seem to think that because a proxy service says it will let you 'browse anonymously' that you can abuse it whatever way you like. Not so. The hosts of the service can trace exactly who posted what ;)

Meantime it's nice to have the board back up. Feel free to browse through it and see if you can spot the the photographs of children we're supposed to have on there.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing