Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Monday, Nov. 19, 2001

Red Eye

Aunty Edna's tip for the week. Don't try to put you make-up on in a dark car girls (and boys for that matter because this is Diaryland after all).

There I was, in a car park at the pub - waiting for the drunks to come out when I thought I'd refresh my eyeliner. So, I fumbled in my bag, pulled out the eyeliner and started to apply it whilst looking in the rearview mirror.

Now, it wasn't pitch black so I didn't turn the light on. Even so, it seemed odd that my eyes weren't being outlined in their usual black rims.

So I took a closer look at the eye pencil...........

That's when I realised I was liberally applying bright red lip-liner to the insides of my eyelids.........


Despite getting most of it off, I spent the rest of the night looking like someone who either had a chronic dose of hayfever or had been told their entire family had been wiped out in a freak shopping-trolley incident.

I'm an idiot. It's official.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing