Picture By Antonio Vargas

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March 26, 2001

Time Flies

Oh God, how I detest our local hospital. I hate everything about it. The car park, the entrance, the stifling heat, the doctors who walk around the corridors without noticing us mere mortals and the nursing staff who look chronically depressed and tired.

Antrim Area Hospital. I swear if there is a hell, I will be sent there and it will look and smell like Antrim Area Hospital.

Most hospitals have that clinical antiseptic smell. Not Antrim Area Hospital. All you can smell is body odour, which only slightly covers the underlying tang of urine and excrement.

I have to have a shower every time I leave the bloody place.

Mind you, you could put up with all that if the medical staff weren't the sort of people who couldn't find their arses with both hands and an atlas.

Forget about treating anything complicated. When Dave broke his knuckle a while ago, they were looking at the X-ray and saying 'no it doesn't look broken' - then he points to the bloody break and asks what it is and they reply 'oh yeah, it is broken'.

Don't bother complaining if you're left on a trolley on a corridor for 16 hours - you've got a better chance of survival if one of the butchers, sorry I mean doctors, don't look at you.

A couple of bad doctors in a hospital is unfortunate - when the entire medical staff are ill-mannered, inconsiderate and incompetent then it's a downright tragedy.

Suddenly private health insurance seems like a very good idea.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing