Picture By Antonio Vargas

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July 9, 2001

More News From The Front Line

Oh God, where do I begin?

Well, it has been a stressful couple of weeks for yours truly because it's silly season here in Northern Ireland.

Yes, the time of year when thugs decide to block off roads with burning barricades because of the stupid bloody parade at Drumcree.

Oh, sorry, my mistake. It has fuck all to do with Drumcree protests and a hell of a lot to do with fuckwits just wanting to go out and act like hard men once the pubs shut.

Special mention has to go to the retard who tried to smash my windscreen in with a wooden pallett - at least I now know I can drive at 40mph in reverse.

Seriously though, if the thing had hit me, I'd probably be dead. No, it would have came straight at my head. I would be dead.

Then people turn round and say 'I didn't know there was any trouble this year - there was nothing about it on the news'.

Dear readers, there is a simple answer to that one. Northern Ireland journalists are the worst in the world. If some guy from the RUC Press Office rings around the papers and tv stations asking them not to report barricades in case it encourages copy cats, they'll only be too happy to oblige.

Meantime people like myself who have to be out and about can't find out what's happening.

Still, it'll all be over by Thursday night. For another year anyway.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing