Picture By Antonio Vargas

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30 April 2002

And Then The Lights Went Out

Now I know I rant and rave a fair bit in here, but tonight it's time to hand out a bouquet.

Yeah, I know I'm in danger of losing my bitch queen from hell image, but credit where it's due.

Our electricity supply hit the skids. We still had power, but only just. Everything had to be switched off just to keep one light burning in the living room.

So Edna phoned Northern Ireland Electricity expecting lots of humming and haaing before someone told her it'd be looked at sometime in the next fortnight.

Not so - within an hour we had a group of very nice electricians in our yard fixing the faulty connection which was coming from the mains supply. Definately not bad considering we live in the middle of nowhere and it's almost impossible to find this place even in daylight.

Course I feel like a real heel now because, um, we er, have kind of forgotten to pay our last electric bill......

No, seriously, I had just forgotten - I've got the money - I've honestly just got a head like a sieve which is why I pay most bills by direct debit straight from the bank.

So, I guess I'll go and write that cheque out now :-D

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing