Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

19 May 2002


OK - it's rant time again; you may want to cover the eyes of any small children in the vicinity.

Something which comes very high on my list of pet hates is scroungers.

I'll bet everyone who reads this will know at least one person who fits into that category. They're always on the scrounge and you never manage to encounter them without coming off worst, but just in case you're not too sure I'll cover some of their defining characteristics.

*Scroungers aren't necessarily poor people. They won't be fantastically well off but the chances are they are quite comfortable.

*They'll always manage to find money for really important stuff like CDs, video games, videos or dvds, posters of superstars or whatever else they're in to at the moment.

*Chances are they're still living with their parents or else have their own place but always manage to pop home a couple of nights a week.

Sound familiar?

They're the people who tag along at lunchtime even though they don't have any money. Then they sit and look hungry or, and this one's even worse, say stuff like: "I'll just have a couple of your chips.....mmmm, those are so lovely!"

They'll invite themselves along with you to a party another friend of yours is having - but they won't take a carry-out! No, and for the sake of pure shame you end up taking an extra bottle on their behalf.

If they see something in your house they immediately put dibs on it as in: "Oh, I love that poster - if you're ever getting rid of it give it to me, I'd love it."

They'll get a taxi somewhere with you and jump out the minute it stops leaving you to pay the fare. (I'm a cabbie, I've seen that one soooo many times now).

They can do without a cigarette for days, but as soon as you open a packet they're simply gasping for one.....and another......and another......"I really have to buy some cigarettes, I owe you so many fags now,".........yet they never seem to be able to get up off their arses and walk over to the vending machine.

As for going out to the pub. Forget it. They'll toddle along with one pound fifty in their pocket, buy a coke and then whinge about how they'd love to try out such and such a drink until you finally take bloody pity on them and buy them something.

Oh and God help the person who begins to date a scrounger. They're stuffed unless they're a scrounger as well.

How do they manage to do it? Simple, there's always a sap out there somewhere. Besides they've always got the chance of taking in people the first time they meet them - by the second or third time you're suss to their game.

Oh, and scroungers will be so very nice and crawly it will almost make you want to puke. They'll tell you you're wonderful - that is until you stop sticking your hand in your pocket. Once they see that the leeching is about to stop they'll turn nasty in the blink of an eye.

Scroungers have no class, no style and at the risk of sounding like a downright snob, no breeding. They'll never mend their ways because, quite simply, they cannot see that they are doing anything wrong.

Trust me. If you meet someone like that, start running.

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Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing