Picture By Antonio Vargas

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16 February 2003

Fuck Your Anti-War Protests

In Iraq it is legal for a man to murder his wife, daughter or sister if he suspects her of having had sex outside of marriage.

If a woman is raped, she is accused of having committed adultery.

The only parts of her body a woman is allowed to show in public are her face and hands.

Women are not allowed to work.

Hundreds of women were publicly beheaded because it was 'suspected' that they were prostitutes.

Rape is a common form of torture. Saddam Hussein's sons are rapists.

So, I have this to say to each and every woman who opposes the forthcoming war with Iraq.

You have the freedom to protest. You are able to take part in the demonstrations. You have the education and money to sit in front of your computer and condemn George Bush and Tony Blair.

How dare you sit within your safe confines and spout such nonsense.

How dare you wear your mini-skirts and lipstick and go to your jobs or college courses and comment about how we shouldn't be going to war.

How dare you enjoy sexual relations with your partner after saying we should back out of conflict with Iraq.

No, this war is not about women's rights but each and every woman in the west should use the freedom the women before us fought so hard to achieve to support any form of action taken against an Islamic state where women are treated in such a babaric fashion.

Stop moaning about the war and start shouting at the top of your voices that when Saddam's regime is toppled, the new Iraqi government should be made to immediately repeal the Islamic-based laws which oppress women in that country.

Use your damned brains. Try thinking for yourselves instead of trying to show how policitally correct you are because that's a luxury the women in Iraq don't have.

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Reference Four

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing