Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

14 March 2003


Oh dear God I hate writing essays. My eyes are crossing as I type this.

Normally it should be all over by now but my course co-ordinator gave me an extension on the deadline because I was off at the start of term so I won't get cleared up until next week.

I like my course co-ordinator - he's been fantastically nice towards me this year. Hell, all the tutors are pretty damned cool - is it any wonder I've signed up for another year at the place? I honestly wouldn't go to another uni even if I was offered a place (not that I've applied anywhere else).

It's amazing how I can see the change in the work I'm handing in now. Last year I was having real problems with working in critical references and background reading and now I'm sticking footnotes and references all over the place.

Know my worst problem about doing essays? I look at the finished piece and I know it could be a lot better. Hell, I can pretty much guess what mark I'm going to get for it as well, but I just don't seem to have the capability to make it that bit better.

I'm my own worst critic. That's why I want to do the MA because if I've improved that much in one year, what's another year at a higher level going to do?

Sheesh, I'm going to graduate with a pretty high 2:1. I mean there's no question of me not getting a 2:1 even if I sit and scratch my ass for the rest of term. Must. Stop. Acting. Like. Perfectionist.

But no essay writing tonight. I'm having a break before I dig into it again tomorrow.

Meantime I went into my guestbook and deleted a lot of waffle out of it. I'm honestly toying with the idea of taking it down altogether.

Simple fact is if I write something you don't like, mail me. Don't go flapping your gums in MY guestbook acting like some superior shit because I'll just delete it.

Meh, fuck it. Don't bother mailing me anyway because I'll probably ignore you to. Unless you're someone I know in which case you can even have your say in the guestbook.

Honestly, I've been doing this diary for more than two years now. I've heard every whinge and insult. Not only do I not rise to it any longer, most of what the complainers have to say bores the pants off me. Shit, I can only be bothered to post a sarky response if I'm in a good mood but even then I can usually think of something better to do with my time.

Take the whole saga about the impending war for instance. Don't bother trying to change my mind. It's made up.

I've quoted my sources and I stand by what I write. If you're sitting quaking in your boots in case Saddam suddenly performs a miracle on the par of the one with the loaves and fishes and manages to attack either the UK or US, don't bother boring me with the details.

There's another thing. Some little twit posed the question about how I'd feel if Dave had to go off and fight in a war and get killed. Now that's insulting on so many, many levels.

Firstly, why the hell should she assume that if Dave was called up to fight he wouldn't want to do his patriotic duty? We'll not even get into the fact I'm quite certain he'd be more than able to handle himself in a hostile situation.

Then there's the little point that my father was a serviceman during WWII - and he volunteered since Northern Ireland residents were exempt from conscription, so I guess that pretty much answers that question.

See that's what I mean. People go shooting their gobs off without thinking about what they're saying. Now if you want to crud up your own site with guff, go right ahead.

Me, I'll just keep hitting that delete button.

Still here? Pah, I suppose I'll have to add a couple of links. Keeping in the current theme, I was sent these by the very lovely Souljourn.

Adopt A Soldier

Operation Military Pride

Sorry there's no UK angle on those, but if you've got one mail it to me and I'll add it. In fact I'm thinking of adding these to my template until the whole damned mess is finally over.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing