Picture By Antonio Vargas

Blogwise - blog directory

The Meme List

30 November 2005


My life's boring as hell so here's another meme from Scratching The Itch.

Are you more...

01) Prone to using a letter opener to open a letter or prone to using your finger to open a letter?

Finger every time. I just rip the mail open in the hallway.

02) A thief or a liar?

Neither, although I did date a career criminal back in my 20s so I could probably do a burglary or armed robbery without too much trouble and I know a great recipe for the best molotov cocktails

03) Sociopathic (lacking conscience) or emotionally sensitive (too much conscience)? ,

The older I get the more sociopathic I get. Dave's training me nicely too - he's always maintained I'm far too soft for my own good.

04) A conformist or a gadfly?

Oh gadfly without a doubt, I hate the herd mentality. This doesn't mean I'll always like other gadflies but I'll always have a grudging respect for them and earning my respect isn't easy.

05) "Low-fat eating is the way to lose weight" or "Low-carb eating is the way to lose weight"?

Low fat, we all eat far too much fat. I completely changed my diet a year ago, cutting out all fat and sugar (even chocolate!). After six months I caved in one day and had a fry-up at work for breakfast - it tasted disgusting, I felt like I was eating a pound of lard. You have to watch the carbs though - I know I'd have a tendency to eat far too much bread so I always have to keep an eye on that.

06) An orange or a potato?

Potato. Solid and earthy - must be my celtic roots ;)

07) Attracted to younger men/women than yourself or attracted to older men/women than yourself?

I used to go for older men but Dave and his predecessor were both younger than me

08) A pervert or a prude?

Pervert! Sluts have more fun ;)

09) A Star Trek fan or a Star Wars fan?

Oh God is there a difference? I love the orignal trilogy of Star Wars but I quite like Trek too, although I have to sneak watching it when Dave's not about because he loathes it. Babylon 5 was better than all of them by the way.

10) Good at listening to someone or bad at listening to someone?

Good listener.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing