Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Monday, Jan. 07, 2002

Swank Time

OK - so I was in a bad mood. Not really triggered by one particular thing, just a build-up of small things, most of which were stupid misunderstandings. These wouldn't have annoyed me as isolated incidents, but isn't it typical that when one thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong?

Anway I can't stay grumpy because as I said before someone did something very, very sweet and lovely for me the other night - and I have to boast about it. Mainly because I'm a big-headed sod, but also because it shows what a really nice person she is.

Moonshine 76 set up an Edna Diaryring :-D Hee, hee. I was chuffed to bits and Moonie has now secured her place on my favourite people ever list!

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing