Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

09 April 2002

New Features

Right, I've added a couple of new features to the diary peeps :-)

First off, there's a groovy guestmap (look in the 'other stuff' drop down menu). I've wanted one since I first saw it on Trin's diary.

Next up, I've finally got round to getting a proper message board again. If you want to comment on something, stick it up there and I'll reply.

Feel free to use it for anthing else you might want to say as well and please do chat amongst yourselves.

I've got some really lovely readers and it's one way for you all to get to know each other a bit better :-D

But don't forget to sign the guestmap......Seriously, my geography is crap and it'll give me some idea of where you all are.

Oh, and if you still want to use the notes, the link for that is also in the 'other stuff' drop down menu.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing