Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002

And Then I Lost My Lunch


One minute I'm chatting to Ms M, the next I'm puking my guts up.

Now since Ms M doesn't normally have that effect on me, I think I've come down with something.

So Trips makes up the bed for me and I crawl off to lie down around 7pm.

I waken up around 4am, feeling like crap and really scared to eat, even though I'm starving.

Once again Trips does his Florence Nightengale (I'm sure that's the wrong spelling, but hey, I'm sick), mopping my forehead and entertaining me with wrestling tales.

I pass out again and waken up this morning about 10 am with the headache from hell.

So if I'm not around much at the moment, forgive me; my head is banging so much I don't want to spend much time in front of the monitor in case it makes it worse.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing