Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Friday, Nov. 02, 2001

Happy Musings

Sad, but I just don't feel the same about Diary Chat any more, now I know there's an elite clique operating on their own private channel.

What is it with humans that we feel the need to make ourselves superior by putting other people down?

Like, I was so glad that people were nice the first time I ventured into chat rooms - I try and do the same in return now.

Then again I'm perfectly happy with my life and I think it's turning out not too badly.

Guess that's why I don't feel the need to try and make myself feel superior. I don't have any gaps to fill by acting like a wanker on the internet.

Now, if I could go and get these blasted essays I have to do finished with, I'd be a really happy bunny.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing