Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Going Batty (groan)

I shouldn't really be typing this since the big finale of Big Brother is on at the mo! Still, it's only gonna be the bit where Dean gets kicked out, so what the hell.

Oh shit man, I'm getting even more paranoid - I've recorded more google searches that have people reading this when they're searching for our local hospital. Hell I'm even considering setting up a second 'personal' diary, passworded - just for people I know.

Then again, that kinda defeats the purpose of doing this whole thing in the first place. Serves me right for assuming that the local yokels in this vicinity would never be able to find the site where I've been bitching about them :-)

So, dear readers, what do you think? Should I do a special diary update where I take the kid gloves off and explain once and for all why I hate THAT sodding hospital? Leave your comments on the message board or mail me - [email protected] is up and running again (thanks to Sixy for showing me how to work outlook express).

Meanwhile, other far more important news! We've got bats in our belfry! Well, ok, not exactly a belfry, but there's definately bats in our roofspace. I spotted them the other night and I was chuffed to bits.

Like you couldn't guess that I'd like bats......

Seriously though, they're cute. The only beanie baby I own is a cute little bat.

I'm just surprised that Gypsy hasn't came running into the house with one of them hanging from her mouth. She's managed to kill off most of the rest of the local wildlife.

Right, judging from the noise across the living room, Dean has just been evicted so this is where the programme begins to get interesting.

Oh God, I'm gonna miss Big Brother.

Brian screeching about Demons; Helen just screeching; Paul meandering on one of his tales; Dean strumming his guitar; Narinder bitching everyone out; Amma being gross; Penny going completely mad; Stuart making me want to punch the TV screen; Josh posing; Bubble being hypocritical about his little girl and last, but not least, Elizabeth reminding me on a geographically distant friend of mine so much, it's uncanny.


Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing