Picture By Antonio Vargas

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14 May 2002

One down, two to go

You lot are sick! Sick I tell ya!

More than 200 diary entries and which one gets the best response? The one where I link to a site with pictures of a penis all dressed up....Aw hell, my readers rock.

But enough of my sycophancy...

I'd my first exam today ~shudder~

I don't think I've ever been prepared so badly for exams in my entire life. I just couldn't get with it this semester. I've found a lot of the reading we were supposed to do so dull, although ironically enough now the exam on 17th literature is over I've got the urge to go back and read some of the stuff I missed.

One thing that didn't hit me too bad was exam nerves. I've always had really bad exam nerves but I thought they'd be a bit better since I'm older now but I was really bad for my January exams.

However, I was pretty calm today although I was starting to panic about an hour before the start date, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Heh - I give away too much infomation - it's time to 'fess up folks, I can be as big a neurotic wreck as the next Diarylander ;-)

Anyway, I think I've done alright even though I just totally blanked on the second essay question and wrote a load of shit. Dunno what happened but I didn't even seem able to string a coherent sentence together.

Enough of me, I want to take a second to congratulate my fellow Diarylander and all round good egg Trancejen for getting into the finals of the best new diary category of the Diarist.net awards.

She deserves to win although I have to point out that even getting into the finals is a damned big achievement in itself given the level of competition.

There's a link to the voting form on her diary.......not that I'm trying to influence you guys or anything ;-)

Seriously though, you could do worse than have a look at the other finalists. I've started reading more and more diaries which are off Diaryland.

Right, just to finish off - a couple of tests.

How Gay Are YOU?

10 per cent! I mean that could almost rate me homophobic! They don't bother to give you a result if you score less than 10 per cent; they just ask you if the particular trailer park you live in is nice ;-)

Which Rocky character are you?

I tie with Tim on this one. Phooey, I wanted to be Magenta.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing