Picture By Antonio Vargas

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11 May 2002

Sex doesn't sell this diary

I got a google hit today for 'fucking stories'. Uh, bet they got a disappointment when they clicked on the link.

I've seen diarists go on in great detail about sex and their sex lives and how much they're getting.....~yawn~.

I live with my partner - I'm sure my readers are intelligent enough to work out that I must be getting 'some' sometime - and that's about as much as I'm going to discuss on the matter :-D

It's a dull subject - well unless you've got a dungeon in your cellar or something.

Don't get me wrong, some diaries deal purely with adult themes and I've read them and they're good. However, this is Diaryland for pete's sake.

I rant, I rave, I bitch, I whine and I talk about my mad cat and noisy cockatiel.

If I can't keep your attention with that then I shouldn't be writing the damned thing in the first place.

Tabloid newspapers and crap Hollywood movies use sex to attract readers and viewers. I try to aim a bit higher than crotch level.

Of course there's always the story about the football team, the three chickens, the feather duster and the rubber penguin suit but I'm saving that for whenever the hits start to slow down ;-)

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing