Picture By Antonio Vargas

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14 June 2002

It's harder than getting blood out of an Edna

So does anyone know what's happening with Diaryland Chat

All the links to it have vanished.....hmmmm. It's still running though. Strange.

So, in other news......not much really - well there are a couple of things but I'm not going to write about them just now.

I did get a picture of myself via e-mail from Azmad.....sheesh. Let's put it this way, the sight of Edna recovering from a chronic hangover on a Sunday morning, wrapped up in a sleeping bag is not a pretty sight :-D

Put it this way folks, at that stage in my life when I drank I really draaaaaaaaaank. God alone knows where I got the time (or money) to do it.

Don't get me wrong - I still enjoy a drink, I just don't drink myself stupid anymore. Well, except for last Christmas Eve :-)

~Growl~ Typing is not easy at the moment since my right hand is so bloody swollen.

I went for blood tests today. This is never good since getting blood out of me is damned near impossible which is why even though I carry a donor card and have left strict instructions that any bits and pieces of me which might be useful to anybody else can be hacked out when I snuff it, I'm not a blood donor.

The Blood Transfusion Service does not need me and my shitty veins, even though I'd dearly love to be a donor.

However, this was yet another unsuccessful attempt to get blood. The practice nurse tried a couple of times before she called my Doc in. Seems I'm the first time he's ever failed to get blood out of someone :-D

After trying my arms they even tried the back of my hand ~very painful~ Ha, the good news is I have to go back next week and have another go. I've been advised to go on a warm day.

Dammit, I really need the results of these blood tests. Yes, there is a good chance that's something's wrong and no, I'm not going to go into details yet. It's nothing life-threatening so there's no need to worry :-D

Right - I'm gonna go and dig up some new material for the Stop Pro Ana diary. Nice to see I'm still getting hits from the flame thread devoted to myself on the Thin Forum (even though it's now passworded).

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing