Picture By Antonio Vargas

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20 June 2002

The one where they squeeze a couple of drops of blood out of me

Oh joy, oh fun, to-day was my return visit to the doctor in another attempt to get my blood tests done.

I've been following Scatcat's advice all week and drinking plenty of grape juice and Evian water in the hopes that either the nurse or doctor could manage to get some blood squeezed out of me this time.

Sorry Scatcat, it seems like I'm destined never to be a blood donor :-D

First off it was the same nurse as last time, poor woman. When she saw my name on the list she just called the doctor in straight away.

They tried slapping a vein up on my arm - no joy. They didn't even try with the needle.

So it was on to the back of my hand with the butterfly needle. I kept my head turned away but this is how the conversation went:

Doc: There's one, it's small, but it's there.

Nurse: You could try.

(Doc starts poking needle into Edna's hand)

Doc: No, it's vanished, it's slipped away again.

Nurse: Try a bit deeper maybe.

(Doc pushes needle around a bit)

Doc: No it's gone. (half laughing) Linda, what exactly are you made of?

Me: Dunno doc, I always thought there was a touch of the vampire about me.....

At this point it was suggested to leave it for another while. No way, says I because I desperately want the results of these tests. Now I know my doctor and the nurse were feeling a bit squeamish because they knew how much this was hurting me, but dammit - I've got a high pain threshold and it's not like they're doing it on purpose.

I'd better add that I've had a few GP's in my time and this man is the best - that's not just my opinion either, hell there's a waiting list to get onto his list of patients, but I digress.

The only place left to try was the top of my foot. Yep, my foot.

The tourniquet got tied round the calf of my leg just below the knee and the doc managed to slap up a vein right on the top of my foot. It was only a small one and it didn't give them the full amount of blood they needed, but there's enough to get the tests underway.

It also hurt like hell. Now it's just fingers crossed that it's good news when I get the results back. Some of you reading this will know what the tests are for and there is a slim chance that it's not what we think it is, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing