Picture By Antonio Vargas

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22 August 2002

The Cat Crept In

It would appear that we have a new cat. That's a very, very scary thought given that our first cat, Gypsy, is a tad psychotic.

Cats are funny creatures in that you never own them - they always find themselves an owner and now this one has latched onto us.

Maybe I'm repeating myself with this story, but I'll tell it again.

Last winter a little stray cat started hanging around so of course I started feeding it. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for stray animals. I'd begun to get quite attached to it and then it disappeared. Nothing really strange about that since cats tend to wander off for a few days, but then I ended up taxiing my next door neighbours sons one night.

To cut a long story short, bastard next door neighbour keeps pidgeons and had got his scumfuck hands on the little cat - he killed it. I've been worried about Gypsy ever since.

However, before the cat met it's demise, it had brought a friend along one night and the friend started coming back. Cat number two was nowhere near as friendly and it's taken us about six months to get to the stage where it will let us stroke it.

Gypsy is far from happy about this and manages to convey a look of hurt and disgust that would surprise you. I've never had a cat that was so jealous. I mean when I was still living with my family and we had the house in the country, we had around 16 cats at one point and they all got along.

Ack, I don't know what to do. I mean we cannot adopt another cat. I honestly don't know where we'll be living at this time next year and it's going to be hard enough with one cat, let alone two. On the other hand I can't let him starve.

We're just winging it at the moment. If we do stay here until next summer the chances are the landlord will be moving in himself since he's planning to get married and they might be happy enough to have the cat around since his family have several cats over on their own farm.

Alternatively, there is a girl who runs an unoffical cat sanctuary near here and if we manage to get this one tamed a bit she might be able to rehome him for us.

It's at this point I have to start and rant and rave about people who won't get their damned cats neutered. We don't need kittens, no matter how cute they are. There's way too many cats needing homes and most of them end up in the country.

Why? Because you get people coming out here to dump unwanted cats, then they breed and before you know it there's dozens of hungry cats roaming around the place and most of them die.

They die of starvation, of exposure and get ran over on the roads. Or they get killed by shits like the guy next door (a former town-dweller by the way, country folks don't tend to kill cats).

Oh well, time to go and crack open another tin of cat food.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing