Picture By Antonio Vargas

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27 March 2003

Fuck Your Anti-War Protests - Part Three

So let's see what was in the news today.

More crap from anti-war demonstrators. I mean since they don't have to work for a living (obviously) it makes perfect sense to lay down all over Manhattan and make sure nobody else can work either.

Like it's not as if New York has a massive crime rate or anything. It can't have or else those people wouldn't be wasting the police resources they are.

Guess what? I'm angry again.

I'm angry that British prisoners of war are being executed by Saddam's regime.

I'm angry that dumbfuck anti-war protestors can complain we're taking this action without UN backing but say nothing when Iraq pisses all over the Geneva Convention.

I'm angry that dumbfuck anti-war protestors keep on with their stupid campaign, screaming about protecting the ordinary people in Iraq when the self-same people are welcoming our soldiers with open arms.

Hey, let's pull the fucking troops out right now! And when Saddam rounds up all the people who have been welcoming them and aiding the campaign; when he slowly tortures them and their families to death, let's all sit back and pat ourselves on the back that at least we stopped the war!


I'll tell you why. Because you dress your protests up and claim you're doing it because you hate warfare and death and destruction when what you really mean is you only hate it if there's the slightest chance it might affect you.

Tell me something. Where were you all when Noraid was funnelling American dollars to the IRA? Where were you all when guns and bombs paid for with American dollars were killing the people in my country and blowing everything up to shit?

Where were your anti-war protests then? Where were you when a mother had to drill it into her young daughter never, ever to say that her father had been in the forces because it would make her family a target for terrorists? Where were you when representatives of the same terrorists were being entertained in the Whitehouse?

I mean you had 30 years to get your act together on it. Yeah, go write a diary entry slagging me off now or flame me in my guestbook.

I dare you.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing