Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001

The Loveliest Couple I Ever Met

Nyahh, I tried - God knows I tried. I might have tried appealing to the better nature of a brick wall for all the good it done. I've met liars in my life, but the worst sort of liar is the person who can tell a lie about you straight to your face.

Anyway, I'm in a mood to kill someone. I want to feel the pleasure of smashing their head in, hearing bones crack and watching blood spurt. I want to kick them in the guts so hard they puke.

No! It's not what you're thinking :-) Actually it's a certain person I work with....I mean, who the fuck in their right mind rings you at 12.30 am when they know you're getting up at 5.00 am to work an 11 hour shift?

I've been sleeping really badly at the moment as well - yes, it will give certain people a great deal of pleasure, but the stress of all the recent events coupled with all the other crap I'm going through is getting to me.

So I'm going on about two hours sleep out of the last 36. Mind you, it's almost as good as illicit substances - that wonderful light-headed feeling, coupled with the buzz from half a dozen cans of Red Bull.

But it'll be an early night tonight - because tomorrow's the day I go back to school! Wonder if Triple 6 will do me a packed lunch? Actually, he's talking about coming along. No, not to attend lectures - he's heard they do cheap beer in the Student's Union Bar.

If you hear a funny grinding noise, it'll be the sound of my seized-up brain trying to get kick-started again.

Of course, just think of the benefits to Diaryland if I get an edumacation (sic). Something I read today convinced me the quality of the entire site is about to increase by about 25 percent and from now on you could have me waxing lyrical about the Bard instead of whinging about how much the general public sucks.

Oh, and on that note, I'm going to boast about something nice I did today.

There's a very lovely couple I have been taxiing for the past 12 months, some people would tend to look down their noses at them because they are classed as having 'learning difficulties'. Well, I'll tell you one thing, their hearts are bigger than anyone with a 200 IQ.

Sadly, for the company anyway, they're moving to another town this week. So I popped around today with a little housewarming present for them. Three and a half years as a cabbie and that's the first time I've ever bought a customer anything - but they were worth it, and when I said I'd miss them - I meant it.

Not everyone I come into contact with is complete scum.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing