Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Saturday, Aug. 25, 2001

Our Conspiracy Theory

So I guess I should tell the full story behind my previous entry, now I've got the time to do so.

Every so often google throws up hits from people searching for information on my local hospital and every so often, just out of curiousity, I have a look at what server the request is coming from.

This time, it brought up the American space agency.....and they've been back several times during the past few weeks, and read quite a bit of my diary.

Now it's flattering to know that someone in Houston is idling away the time reading my ramblings, but then I began to wonder why the heck they would be wanting to get info about our local hospital.

At best, it's a mediocre hospital - there's nothing remotely special about it. Triple 6 provided a ray of inspiration when he said: "Isn't the hospital quite close to the airbase you told me about".

The airbase in question is an RAF base - a very large one and I always jokingly referred to it as 'Area 51' because you can't find it on any map of the local area, even though it covers quite a size. It's a pretty important one - Bill Clinton flew in there in Air Force One when he visited the Province a few years back.

Suddenly it all makes sense.....

Roswell is too well known now, and you can't move near the original area 51 for tourists and UFO seekers, so why not move the covert alien operations to a remote area of the world - Northern Ireland for instance.

There's an air force base and the hospital provides the cover for all the medical guys needed to carry out all those alien post-mortems.

Whaddya mean, we're crazy - hey it makes as much sense as most of the other conspiracy theories doing the rounds.

Come back next week when we reveal the true identity of the grassy knoll and post definitive evidence that Martha Stewart is really a cyborg.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing