Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Friday, Mar. 08, 2002

Yeah, I'm a slag

OK, so I'm a sucker for those online test thingies. Hell yes, I want the entries in my archives to be full of broken images because I can't be arsed uploading the pics to my own space...

Wasn't too impressed with this first one though....

*Take The Wacky Racers Test!*

The next one's much more interesting - it's the 'Who were you in a past life test'. This is the spiel I got:

You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern North Europe, approximately in the year 1200.

Your profession was: trainer, holder of the fine animals, birds, insects.

A brief psychological profile of you in that past life:

Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. Could be a leader.

A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is:

You are bound to solve problems of pollution of environment, recycling, misuse of raw materials, elimination of radioactivity by all means including psychological methods.

Thanks to Megan for those.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing