Picture By Antonio Vargas

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22 April 2002

Introducing My Old Buddy

Oh God - couldn't let another day go by without updating this thing. Sorry peeps, but as usual I've been busy and so computer time has been limited to a quick read through the diaries on my buddy list and I've even had to skip some of those.

You'll know if I've skipped your diary because sometime in the next week your sites stats will show someone reading about 10 pages in one sitting ;-)

I've also got some serious studying to do in the next couple of weeks since it's almost exam time (cue ominous music).

Sheesh - I can't believe my first year back is almost over. I'll be glad to see the back of the modules I'm doing this semester since they've been bloody hard although I'm looking forward to the ones in final year.

You know I've noticed something about this diary.....I rarely talk about the 'real life' people I know. Not many of them know about this place (although I do know my anonymity on the net has been blown apart).

Still, I feel like I'm betraying 'real-life' friends if I talk about them on here which is a bit silly since I wouldn't be saying anything derogatory.

However, since one of my oldest 'real-life' mates has now joined the Diaryland community, he's fair game ;-)

Ain't that right Azmad?

Of course the downside to this is he's got plenty of dirt on me too.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing