Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Sleep Deprivation

My latest entry in this diary is a kind of live experiment about the effects of sleep deprivation.....

It is now 5.30 am Sunday morning and I have been awake since 11.30am Saturday morning. Don't get me wrong - I don't really set out to do this, but I work shift patterns from hell so I don't really have a natural body clock any more.

And why do I do that? Because the money is bloody fantastic - nuff said?

Anyway, back to sleep deprivation. It's definately a weird experience - all the jumpiness of being really badly stoned, but with none of the mellowness. You get snappy, you lose co-ordination, you get forgetful and when it gets really bad, you begin to get slight hallucinations. Really not a fun state.

Then there's the physical symptoms. Pounding headache, sore eyes and muscle cramps - I'm experiencing all of the above at the moment!

So is there a point to this unusually serious waffle - well yes. I'm going to bed shortly and I probably won't surface until at least 5pm Sunday evening, because I'm a girl who likes her sleep and always manages to catch up on it at some point.

And that makes me highly suspicious of all those: "Oh yes, I can manage quite nicely on four or five hours a night people". I don't doubt the veracity of their statements, but I sure as hell would question their long-term sanity.

It's time we had a proper scientific study into this because once my point is proven, I could tell people I need at least eight hours sleep a night, without feeling like a wimp.

Meantime, if you're still in a position where you can enjoy a lie-in, don't bother setting the alarm and pile up some serious Zs.

P.S. Just for the record - I'm not a hooker, despite what the above job description may lead you to believe :-)

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing