Picture By Antonio Vargas

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May 31, 2001

The Joy Of Pets

Sometimes it's hell being an animal lover (now there's a statement which should produce some unusual google results).

There's a school of thought that pets are influenced by their owners, which might go some way to explain why ours are completely barking mad.

If you've read my profile, you'll know I've got Gypsy the cat and Fred the cockatiel.

Like all cats, Gypsy adores us when she wants something and ignores us at all other times. However, she also likes showing off her wonderful hunting abilities.

She's a one-cat slaughter machine. Nothing is safe when she's around.

The problem is she likes to show us the corpses, so our front step is usually littered with various mouse and bird carcasses.

What freaked me most was that the other night she actually brought a dead mouse into the house and showed it to Sixy. It wouldn't have been so bad, but the only way she could have got in that night was through the open bedroom window....past the bed where I was sleeping....*flesh crawls*.

If that wasn't bad enough, there's Fred. He has to be the noisiest fucking creature in the universe.

I swear, I dunno how one tiny bird can make so much blasted noise. He has been in a right strop the past couple of days, banging around his cage, screeching at the top of his voice.

Has anyone got a decent recipe for cockatiel soup? Please?

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing