Picture By Antonio Vargas

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04 June 2002

My own personal eating disorder

Wow, since everything seems to be so food-related lately I thought I'd maybe give you a little insight into the eating habits of cabbies....

Today I had:

One ham and cheese sandwich

One can of Red Bull

One large latte from McDonald's drive through

Three jaffa cakes

One cup of tea (I don't take sugar)

Some sort of cherry and sultana flapjack thing from the 24 hour garage

Really healthy, no?

Actually I only drank half the can of Red Bull - I'm trying to cut down on that stuff.

Hmm, that's the trouble with being on the night shift. Most people have their dinner when they come in from work but I really don't feel like sitting down to a large meal at 2am in the morning.

I think I need to buy me some vitamin pills before I become one of the first cases of scurvy seen in quite a while.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing