Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

29 May 2003

Dos and don'ts.

Hmm, it seems my life isn't my own. Here's the list of stuff it seems I should, and shouldn't, be doing.

1/ Allow every lunatic and piece of trailer trash in the world to continually write diary entries linking my site, slagging me off and spouting downright lies about me.

2/ Under no circumstances should I ever repsond to these comments or point out the fallacies therein, not even on the very site they're linking to.

3/ Allow the same nutbags to hurl the same crap at my partner.

4/ Stop him from responding to their insane rubbish either.

5/ Allow their friends to post insulting messages on my site.

6/ Under no circumstances delete any of these offensive messages even though it's my site and I quite happily hand money over to Andrew every year for it.

7/ I can't delete or reply to the messages even if they're full of lies as well.

8/ I am not allowed to have a private entries folder (even though it's part of the gold membership package I pay money for every year).

9/ I am not allowed to move entries there because I don't think they belong on the open section of my site because the causual reader would be bored by them.

10/ I should close down this site, leave Diaryland and never, ever have an online diary ever again.

11/ I should not complain to Andrew about a hate campaign being orchestrated against my site - even though he has said he won't tolerate that sort of thing.

12/ I should never, ever ban anyone from a messageboard I administrate even though they've been persistently acting in a manner which would get them banned anywhere else.

Yeah, right. That's what I think too ;-)

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing