Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

05 June 2003

Thumb Twiddler

The Thursday Thumb Twiddler.

1. You know something about your company that very few other people do, something that, shortly, will drive the stock price way down. So happens your folks invested in your company, because you said it was a cool place to work. Do you let them know before the public finds out?

Are you kidding? Of course I'd let my folks know. What sort of scumfuck would let their parents lose money.

2. Your neighbor is getting rid of junk, and you spot something he's putting out on the curb as a collectable that could probably fetch a few hundred dollars on eBay. Do you tell him? Or do you sneak it out of their trash late at night?

Depends. If they were a decent neighbour or even a pretty inoffensive one I'd tell them. If they'd fucked me off I'd swipe the gear :D

3. Where does your ethical obligation to intellectual honesty and openness to differing viewpoints end, and your need to shut off lunatic opinions of an annoying co-worker because they're driving you batty begin? And does politeness factor into this equation?

You grit and grind your teeth and hmmm and nod politely because at the end of the day it's someone you have to work with it's best to try and keep the peace no matter how annoying they might be.

In other news....we're finally getting finished with the grand house sorting! God it's great to finally have this place organised at long last.

I've even......gasp......sorted out the computer area! Seriously. It turns out there was a desk surface buried underneath the scraps of paper, books, ashtray and cups.

And on that note I'm off to do final bit of chucking out.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing