Picture By Antonio Vargas

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The Meme List

17 June 2003

More Memes

Questions courtesy of This Or That Tuesday.

1. Newspapers or magazines?

Newspapers without a doubt. Let's face it - the people who write for magazines are usually the ones who couldn't hack it on newspapers and it's a completely differenty type of journalism. I'd rather read indepth views on what's happening rather than a spread on the latest hot thongs to hit the stores.

2. Books-on-tape or regular books?

When I was taxi-driving someone suggested I should listen to audio books in the car but I couldn't do it. I like reading - the act of following the words on the pages and savouring them. Audio books are heresy.

3. Paperback or hardcover?

I own paperbacks mostly - due to price rather than anything else, although I've got a fair amount of hardbacks as well. I'm not bothered either way - if it's a book I'll read it.

4. Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction for entertainment although these days I read just as much non-fiction for my courses. I like a good biography as much as anything.

5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels?

Oh God (or Bob) save me from damned romance novels. How the hell can people read that trash? There's no excuse - if you've got the brains to read a book then stop reading crap and spend your time reading something that might improve your mind rather than turning it to mush.

6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)?

I prefer to buy because I love owning books and I derive a lot of enjoyment from rereading old favourites. I also like the fact I can wander into my library (one of the spare bedrooms) and select a book I haven't read before.

7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand?

I buy from the shops. I really should subscribe to some but I never get round to it. By the way, I don't mean Elle or Cosmo when I refer to magazines.

8. Current best-sellers or classic literature?

Oh you can't choose! Some of today's bestsellers will become classic literature while you can't fully appreciate modern writing without a background in classic literature.

9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often?

Re-read! Some books are like old friends.

10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers...former First Lady Hillary Clinton's memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one...Hillary or Harry? Why?

Harry. Hilary's still going after high political office so we're not going to hear the real dirt.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing