Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Back To Work

Wow! My guestbook's getting signed, there's some new members for the evil-ones diaryring and some people have linked to me as a favourite diary. Huge thanks to all of you and I'll be doing my best to reciprocate all the compliments during the next few days.

Apart from that....I had to go back to work tonight (boo). Well, there's only so much time you can take sick when you're self-employed (no money coming in, but the overheads still need to be paid).

Still, I thought I'd ease back into things nice and gently.....huh. Thankfully the shift was uneventful, but it was a 10 hour shift which will be followed by another 10 hour shift tomorrow night and a, get this, a 14 hour shift on Sunday. Great.

Oh yeah, I have to in a bit early tomorrow to try and get speaking to one of the bosses since I want to let him know I'm definitely going back to Uni in October. I know I might bitch and whinge about work, but in all fairness they aren't the worst people to work for.

So, I'm just gonna explain the situation and offer to stay on in a part-time capacity - if they need me. To be honest, I don't really think there's work for a part-time driver, but if there isn't there'll be no hard feelings. There's two other companies I can think of straightaway will take me on part-time and if I do leave I really want it to be on good terms. Hell, I don't really want to leave, but you can't have everything in life.

Dammit - it's hard to concentrate on updating when the wrestling's on in the background - I'm developing a crick in my neck :-) I know they'll never win any awards for the acting, but they're great at taking the piss out of themselves....

Changing the subject, I read a great entry by Honey Blade about what a bigot her ex-boyfriend was, he he, that triggered memories...I had an ex who was a total religous bigot. He point blank refused ever to set foot inside a Roman Catholic church.

What, I argued would he do if a friend was getting married in a chapel - simple, he wouldn't go. O.K. then how about if he had to attend a funeral - again, it was simple, he'd go, but stand at the gates of the chapel until the service was over.

Now I could sort of see sense in this if he had been a rabid bible-basher, but the guy was one of the biggest heathens I'd ever met.

Just in the interest of balance, the bloke I next dated happened to be a Roman Catholic. Under no circumstances would he set foot in a Protestant church.......See why I gave up on blokes over here and decided to settle for a sensible Englishman instead?

For the record, I've been in Anglican, and Roman Catholic cathedrals, every denomination of church, attended a funeral mass and even been blessed by a Cistercian Monk. My feet didn't burst into flames and so far I don't seem to have suffered ill effects from any of my visits.

I'll shut up now, before I ruin the 'evil' image completely.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing