Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2001

The Nature Of Truth - Part One

Quite a few diaries I've been reading have closed recently. In other cases the person has simply moved and opened up under a new name.

Personally, I hit a huge block with this diary a few months back and I only feel I'm coming out of it now, but it did get me wondering as to why this happens.

Now since I'm not a mind-reader I can only speak for myself here, but I had reached a point where I had to make a decision to either reveal much more about myself than I had ever originally intended, or just let the site drift along with irregular updates.

Believe me, it isn't easy. I'm a very private person by nature. What people in 'real life' rarely understand is that the bubbly and babbling persona they know is really the best possible disguise of my true self and I like it that way.

The other problem is I place great emphasis on being truthful. Yeah, I know that sounds stupid given the above statment, but there's a difference between lying about yourself and disguising yourself.

I don't lie - well, not often. Even when I have to compliment someone or something that I'm not particularly impressed with I can usually find some good aspect and concentrate on that. Still, I'm not a hypocrite. If telling the truth meant really hurting someone I could lie with the skill of an Academy Award winner.

But I'm getting off the subject here and I really want to concentrate on the whole issue of lying in on-line diaries in a further update.

No, I had to decide how open I wanted to be on here - a task made even more difficult since every time I look at my stats meter I know I'm being read by people who hate me with a passion. Hey, I should use that for my next set of ad banners....'So good even her enemies read it!'.

Or maybe not :-)

So welcome to a new era at The Vault. There's still going to be silly updates, but from time to time I'm going to talk a bit more about myself and my past experiences and hopefully it will give you, the readers a better idea of who I am and why I write what I do.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing