Picture By Antonio Vargas

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Thursday, Nov. 29, 2001


Ooooo, I smell nice today ~sniffs self again~. You know, I used to be a great perfume lover. In the 80s I reeked of 'Poison' and thought I was so fashionable.

In the 90s I switched to 'Samsara' and felt very elegant, before I had a brief flirtation with 'Paris'.

But my favourite scent has always been violets and sadly it's not a scent that's commonly available. However, I've managed to find some.....

Thank God for Yardley, home of lavender soap and, as I found out yesterday, also home of violet perfumes, talcs, body sprays et al.

So now I reek of it :-)

Actually my other favourite scent is 'White Musk' from the Body Shop and I was going to buy some when we were in Belfast the other week, but that plan was vetoed by Triple 6 who said it smelled like hairspray. Humph.

As for other news - it's official, the Christmas bug has bitten me. I've just been talking to Trips about putting up decorations, although I won't be doing it for a couple of weeks yet. I've always thought there was something strange about people who do their decorating in November.

We didn't celebrate Christmas last year - I actually worked, but I found out last night that one of the other drivers has demanded to work Christmas Day (it's double fare and he's a greedy bastard), and I'm quite content to let him do so.

One last thing........it's been drawn to my attention that the academic grading system in the states (and probably Canada) is quite different to the British one, so if anyone was wondering why the heck I was swanking over my grades in my last update, I should explain that our pass mark is 40 and it's rare to get marks into the 80s. Think of my grades as an A and a B and you'll see why I'm still smiling.

Stale Fresh

You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing